

             は Christopher Earnshaw(アーンショー・クリストファー) が「Escuella Superior de BioMagnetico Medico Duran」 学校でバイオマグネット・セラピーを提供することが認定されていることを認めます。彼は医者ではなく、医学的アドバイスや医療を提供することや医療診断などはしません。






私は1年以内に化学療法や放射線治療を受けておらず、今日から一年間化学療法や放射線治療を受ける予定も有りませんと証明します。[これらの療法はバイオマグネット・セラピーに禁忌であるためです。] Life Science Managementは研究目的で顧客データを匿名で使用する権利を留保します。

注意:あなたは治癒反応を経験するかも知れません (例えば微熱、発疹、上気や下痢)。治癒反応は、身体が浄化と再建築を受けている過程です。これは自然な反応であり、心配することは何もないのです。病気と誤認されることが多いのですが、実際には反対です。身体はより強くなるための準備として毒素を排出しています。セラピー後にたくさんの水を飲むことで、治癒反応を軽減または排除することが出来ます。




      年 /  月  /
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Informed Consent


I ______________________acknowledge that Christopher Earnshaw is certified to offer BioMagnet Therapy by the "Escuella Superior de Bio Magnetico Medico" school. He is not a doctor and he does not provide medical advice, medical care, medical diagnosis, etc.

I understand that BioMagnet Therapy supplements treatment received from a doctor, but it is not a consultation, evaluation or treatment by a doctor.

BioMagnet Therapy consists of applying a strong magnet to a specific part of the body to balance the pH level in the body (acidity and alkaline system).


Most people only need four to twelve sessions, but more sessions are needed if the condition is intractable.

I have not received chemotherapy or radiotherapy within the last year and I acknowledge that I will not receive chemotherapy or radiotherapy for a year from today, because these therapies are contraindicated for BioMagnet Therapy. Parkinson Disease Research Centre reserves the right to use customer data anonymously for research purposes.


Note: You may experience a healing response (for example, fever, rash, dizziness or diarrhea). The healing response is the process by which the body is undergoing purification and reconstruction. This is a natural reaction, there is nothing to worry about. It is often misunderstood as illness, but it is actually the opposite. The body is emitting toxins in preparation for becoming stronger. By drinking plenty of water after therapy you can reduce or eliminate the healing response.

I sign my name in acknowledgement that I have understood the above conditions:___________________________________________


           Year / Month / Day

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